Inilah Risasah Masa’il al-Mahtadin al-Ikhwan MabtadinInilah Artinya Segala Masalah Yang Menunjuki Kepada Jalan Yang Betul Bagi Segala Saudara Yang Baharu Belajar Jaza Allah Mu-al-Fasah Wa-Askanah Fasi...

Book of Islamic teachings. Notes: the first page of this printed work looks like a title page in Arabic with on the back side of that page is some information by the publisher/printer from Basra [or Mesir?] Only later in photo no. 7 we find the title page of the Malay work, with layout of a typical kitab kuning [book with Islamic teaching] from the Middle East. End on p. 13 [photo no 19] there is a black seal of the printer. Last page is again in Arabic.