Hazal-Kitab ‘Akidatul-Ghulam fi Bayani Ba’dhi Masail ‘Ilmi al-Kalam [5 Zulka’idah 1349 Hijriah]

Lessons in the knowledge about the oneness of God, written for school children in a question-answer format. Introduced with a short section on intellect (akal). Creator: al-Hakir al-Haji Arsyad bin al-Haji ‘Abd-al-Syukur Talanbali Palembang.

Notes: Typographically printed book published by Al-Ahmadiah Press in Singapore. Cover thin blue paper; margins damaged and paper brittle, but content still legible. Pages printed in black ink on flowerly framed pages. Binding using thread, in the margin of the cover is a signature in blue ink. The work was finished on malam Rabu tanggal 9 Rabi’ul-awal sannat 1338 bersamaan dengan.