Simpulan Islam Suatu Kitab Bicara ‘Itikad Yang Amat Ringkas dan Mudah Dipahamkan Bagi Murid' Yang Didalam Tempat Pelajaran [1921]

Basic introduction to Islam, with explanations about the pillars of faith, history, and a concise biography of the Prophet. Creator(s): al-Fadhil al-Adab Syekh Ibrahim Masri dan diterjemahkan oleh al-marhum Raja Haji Muhamad Sa’id bin Raja Haji Muhamad Thahir Riau.

Notes: Typographically printed book published by Al-Ahmadiah Press in Singapore as bilingual book, first edition. In good condition, only some damage in the bottom right-hand corner caused by insects. Binding with thread, cover orange. Each page divided into 2 columns: the first for Arabic, the second for Malay. On a few pages before the title page we find an list with errata and an advertisement with books sold at Al-Ahmadiah Press: Kitab Panduan Kanak' huruf Melayu Jawi, Panduan Kanak' huruf Rumaniah Rumi, Adab al-Fata Peri Kesopanan Orang Muda' bahagian pertama, huruf Melayu, dan Adab al-Fata bahagian pertama huruf Rumaniah; 3. More errata. The book was published by Al-Ahmadiah press managed by Raja Haji ‘Umar bin Raja Haji Hasan Riau on 14 Jumadil Awal 1339 AH or 24 November 1920.

The translator of this work, Raja Muhamad Sa’id born in Penyengat, is ascribed several other titles, such as Wa’izh li-Nafsi wa-li-Ikhwanfrom 1917 printed by Mathbaat al-Ahmadiah in Singapura; Jalan Kesatuan Al-Irsyad ila-Thariq at-Taallufi wa-al-Ittihad finished in 1907 and printed in 1927; ‘Iqdul Jauhar fi Maulid an-Nabi al-Azhar Gubahan Permata Mutia, a translation of Said Ja’far al-Barzanji finished and printed in 1909; Syair Nazham Tajwid al-Qur’an, finished in 1910 and published by Al-Ahmadiah in 1927; Naskah Hisab, written in Singapura in 1909; and Adab al-Fata, published in 1916.