Inilah kitab Kapayat al-Ghalam fi Bayan Arkan al-Islam Wasyarwathah artinya kitab yang memadai bagi budak yang baharu berlajar pada menyatakan rukun Islam yang lima dan syarat

Digital images of a book concerning the pillars of Islam, trade laws and inheritance laws in connection to Islam. It contains three texts: 1. Kitab Khafayat al-Ghalam about the five pillars of Islam; 2. Kitab al-Baya’, about trade laws; 3. Kitab al-Fara’idh about inheritance laws originally by al-Syekh ‘Abdul-Rauf al-Fansuri. Author: al-Syek Ismail Minangkauwi; date unknown.

Notes: A typographically reproduced text in black ink, between thick covers. The spine is strengthened with red cotton cloth which is damaged and repaired with sellotape. Bound with thread, spine has insect holes. On the frontpage there is the following note in green ink: Hak kepunyaan al-Haq Raja Haji Ahmad ‘Umar. In Tuhfat al-Nafis, Raja Ali Haji noted that a certain Syekh Ismail al-Minangkabauwi from Simabu in West Sumatera brought the Naqsyabandiah brotherhood to Riau. It is unclear whether these Syekh Ismails refer to the same person.