Aqiduljumani fi Adabi Tilawatilqur'an artinya suatu kalung yang bertatah ratna manikam di dalam aturan membaca qur-an [22 Syawal sannah 1309 hjriah bersamaan]

Indications, advices, regulations and methodology of the art of Qur'an recital. The Malay translation of the title is: Kalung yang bertatah dengan ratna mutu manikam di dalamnya aturan membaca Qur’an. The book contains 29 chapters. Author: Sayid Hamid bin ‘Usman bin Yahya. Date: 22 Syawal sannah 1309 hjriah bersamaan.

Notes: Lithographed treatise from Batavia from Sayid Hamid, son of the famous Sayid Uthman; covers are missing, so that the front is page 3 of the book. Bottom of pp 3-24 damaged. Book held together by copper staplers. Writing on framed pages (15x10.2 cm) in two columns. 18 lines per page. On the last page, apart from the colophon, we also find the following advertisement: Bisa dapat beli pada toko kitab dan kantor cetak al-Makmur Keramat 46 Batavia Centrum telepon 5663 Weltevreden.

Colophon: Telah selesailah daripada mengulang cetak ini kitab pada 22 Syawal sannah 1309 berbetulan pada bulan Nopember 23 – 1940 oleh Sayid Hamid bin ‘Usman bin Yahya Mester Kornelis.