"Official land grant (no. 139) issued by the Controller of Tanjungpinang as the Head of District of Bintan in name of the Resident of Riau, granting permission to R. Haji Achmad Tabib to use a piece o...

Issued by Districtshoofd van Bintan. Printed land grant in two columns, Latin script on the left-hand side and Arabic script on the right-hand side of the paper, both in Malay. Filled in with black ink with data about owner, bordrs and measurements. Margins torn and repaired using celotape. At the bottom there is a violet oval stamp of the Head of District of Bintan. On p. 2 we find a sketch map of the location with measurements signed by the surveyors on 10 July 1925.

Raja H. Achmad Tabib is a grandson of Raja Ali Haji through his son Raja Hasan. He is known as doctor of the sultan and the author of some poems and a document about medicines.