Kumpulan Bacaan Murid Darjah Dua

Digital images of Kumpulan Bacaan Murid Darjah Dua, a collection of texts for school children. It contains 51 short stories about good behaviour, how to live healthy and other didactic topics. Some title are: Ikan (Fish), Tukar Ringgit (Exchange money), Korek Api (Matches), Nama Bulan (names of the months), Bermain Gasing (Spinning a top), Budak Dengan Buah Berangan (A child with berangan fruit), Mandi Pagi (Taking a morning bath), Cuci Gigi (Cleaning the teeth), and others. Two of the stories are in the form of pantun and syair (poems).

Notes: A typographically reproduced text with unknown author, publisher, printer, place of publication etc. because the covers and title page are missing. The book is bound with thread; has water stains and the two last pages are torn out. On the first page on which Mandi pagi starts we find the name of the owner: Ibrahim bin [name illegible] who lives in Johor. Based on a poem with moral advice (Syair nasihat) printed on pages 63 and 64 we surmise that the text was published in the Peninsula and used for pupils in the second year of primary school.