"Inilah Kitab Dinamakan dia Khasyaf al-Ghibit Pada Menyatakan Yang Ghaib Daripada Beberapa Hadis Marwiyah, Printed on 6 hari bulan Jumadil Awal sannah 1325 Hijriah"

Digital images of Inilah Kitab Dinamakan dia Khasyaf al-Ghibit Pada Menyatakan Yang Ghaib2 Daripada Beberapa Hadis Marwiyah, Printed on 6 hari bulan Jumadil Awal sannah 1325 Hijriah [17 June 1907]. Creators: Al-Syekh Zain al-‘Abidin bin Muhamad al-Fathani.

Notes: A text in Malay containing translations from several Arabic texts such as Dakaik al-Akhbar about heaven and hell by Imam Abdulrahim ibni Ahmad al-Qadhi, and Masyrik al-Anwar by Syekh Hasan, and some other texts. A cheaply printed Islamic book; incomplete: pp. 159-97 are missing. The cover is also missing; a thin blue cover is used as replacement. On the title page we find several signatures and scribbles in Arabic script in blue ink. The text is not bound. The title page is framed. The work is checked (ditashihkan) by Muhammad Saleh. In the righ- and left-hand margins we find the printed text Lubab al-Hadith, which originally was Syafaa al-Qulub by al-Syekh Muhsin al-din xxx. The work is typographically reproduced at Mathba’ah al-Miriyah xxx al-Mahmiyah. Under the colophon we find a poem in which Muhammad Saleh asks for forgiveness as official editor (pentashih).

Colophon: Inilah kitab yang dinamakan dia Khasyah al-ghaib pada menyatakan yang ghaib2 daripada beberapak hadis marwiyah karangan al-‘alim al-fadhil wa-al-khabir al-kamal al-syekh Zain al-‘abidin bin Muhamad al-Fathani xxx Allah ta’ala xxx karamah al-ridhwan amin.