Risalalah Kecil Pada Menyatakan Hukum Jimak Dengan Isrinya [1329 H]

Digital images of Risalalah Kecil Pada Menyatakan Hukum Jimak Dengan Isrinya. Creator: Ahmad bin Sulaiman Kamal Pasya, 1329 H.

Notes: Conduct and rituals around sexual union between husband and wife in agreement with Islam. There are also some other topic dealt with, such as naming children after the day of birth, and several love potions to enhance the pleasure of sexual union. At the end of the book we also find some talismans and advice for good and bad days. Typographically printed book from the print shop Mathba’a al-Muhamadi al-babi. Covered with board from which the green leather is peeling off. Water stained but text still legible. Spine and corners of covers enhanced with red cloth; bound with thread. The following note may be found: Yang ampunya segala pekerjaan cap ini di dalam negeri Makah al-Musyarafah al-ma’zamah kampung bab Islam al-Kabir al-muasak billah Ahmad bin ‘Adullah.

Colophon: Apalah suatu risalah kecil pada menyatakan hukum jimak dengan istrinya yang tersebut ini di dalam kitab bahsa ‘Arab karangan ‘alim al-dahiru wa-ahad wal-‘ashar terjamah al-munazirin wa-bahkah al-nazirin al-fadhol al-maula Ahmad bin Sulaiman Kamal Pasya rahmah-Allah ta’ala amin diterjemahkan dengan bangsa Melayu wau-Allah ‘Alam amin.