Catatan Mahkamah Lingga [From 8 Muharam 1323 - 13 Zulkai’adah 1327 AH]

Verdicts and official resolutions taken by the court of justice in Daik, Lingga. Issued by Mahkamah Kerajaan Lingga, From 8 Muharam 1323 AH (14 March 1905) until 13 Zulkai’adah 1327 AH (5 September 1909). Watermark: SUPERFINE with image of a crown.

Notes: Fine hand-written documents in various hands, in black ink and some instances black, blue or orange pencil for rejected cases.Original cover is missing and replaced and repaired by a team of the National Library of Indonesia in 2008. Binding has been repaired and the whole manuscript is in good shape and clearly legible. Only on p. 5-14 we find some tears and some parts are missing, but repaired with Japanese tissue by conservators at the National library.