Pasport from Penuba [20 Oct 1926]

Digital images of a ‘passport’ for people outside Java/Madura to travel outside of their home region and to Java. Issued by Het Hoofd van Plaatselijk bestuur der Lingga, 20 Oct 1926.

Notes: The format is a booklet as a passport with dark green covers. Owner named Abang Oesman bin Abad Abdullah. The contents is in 2 languages: form on p. 4-5 is in Dutch and p. 18-19 in Malay in Latin script. But only filled out is the list on pp. 4-5. with data about the owner and a photograph with above a stamp worth 15 Cents. Below the photo are 2 stamps in black ink of Hoofd van Plaatselijk Bestuur Penoeba. A third similar stamp is on p. 5 with a signature. There is also the logo of the Dutch Indies. Pages 1-3; 6-7; 10-12 are empty. The passport is valid for 10 years.