Receipt for a donation for reparations at the Mesjid Jamik Daik for 5 straits dollars in name of Endut Penghulu Musai [21 Jan 1956]

Digital images of a receipt for a donation for reparations at the Mesjid Jamik Daik for 5 straits dollars in name of Endut Penghulu Musai.

Notes: Typographically printed receipt of the Al-Ahmadiah Press, Singapore introduced by a quotation from the Qur'an: Qalallah innallaha la-budhi’u akhiral-muhsinin , yang artinya: Bahwasanya Allah tidakkan lupa membalas jasa orang yang membuat kebaikan. The original form was for financial contributions for a school building in Penyengat witness the parts scored through: Kerana khairat mendirikan rumah sekolah agama di Penyengat Riau, changed into, kerana khairat memperbaiki mesjid jamik Daik, in red ink. Also the line penyampai amanah (pennningmeester) was changed into yang menerima, in red ink. The signature and info is in blue ink.