Surat ‘Aqat Jual Beli Kebun Nioer [11 Safar 1328 bersamaan AH]

Digital images of an agreement for the sale of a coconut plantation on the island Tengah in Laut Kote at Air Singkep between Fatimah binti Pak Ja’far and Haji Muhamad Toha bin Haji ‘Abdulkarim. Scribe: Wakel Keradjaan di Lingga; Date: 11 Safar 1328 bersamaan.

Notes: Double folio, blue lined paper with writing on one side only. In the left-hand margin we find the signature and oval stamp of Wakel Kradjaan in Lingga in blue ink, and the signatures of the buyer , seller and two witnesses. Writing is in black ink; paper is damaged. Watermark: Image of an elephant between tow coconut trees with the name of the company GUTHRIE & Co Ltd written in Latin, Arabic and Chinese scripts.