Post Blad [5 Aug 1937]

Digital images of a document containing information about a shipment and the bill of 1 datjin, 1 Litermaatordered by Toean M. Daoed Kamponghoofd Daik in Penuba sent by Firma Tan Hway An in Semarang, Java. Scribe: Firma TAN HWAY AN; Date: 5 Aug 1987.

Note: Aerogramme folded into an envelope. On the part of the sender’s name we find the name and a advertisement of the weighing instruments (datjin) manufacturer Tan Hway An in Semarang, and a stamp of the post office in Penoeba. On the address side we find the name Toean M. Daoed Kamponghoofd Daik, Penoeba (Riouw), a stamp of 25 cents and a post stamp of Semarang. The postage stamp is green and mentions Republik Indonesia Riau, while the aerogramme was sent in 1937.