Surat keterangan mempunyai kebun buah-buahan beserta tanah sekelilingnya [14 Jumadi Awal 1330]

Digital images of Surat keterangan mempunyai kebun buah-buahan beserta tanah sekelilingnya, a Certificate of ownership for an orchard and the land surrounding it at Hulu Maruk obtained by Haji Kadir Maruk from his parents. Scribe: Mahkamah Lingga; Date: 14 Jumadi Awal 1330.

Notes: Double folio, folded with sketch map of piece of land and its borders on page 4, and a round black stamp of Sultan Sultan Abdulrahman Mu’azzamsyah with a signature in blue ink. In a red circle we find a note in jawi: Sudah dimasukan rejister Merawang nombor 34 20/5-14,-. The paper has been strengthened and repaired with sellotape.