ທໍາມະຣັດຕະນະສູດ (ຜູກ ໗)

ເນື້ອໃນກ່າວເຖິງ ການບູຊາພະຣັດຕະນະສູດ ເຊັ່ນວ່າ ເອົາເຂົ້າຕອກ, ດອກໄມ້, ຄັນທະລົດຂອງຫອມ, ປະທູບ, ປະທີບແລະວັດຖຸທັງຫລາຍຢ່່າງລະ ໑໕ ອັນ ມາຮ່ວມກັນແລ້ວໃຫ້ບູຊາພະຣັດຕະນະສູດໃນເດືອນ ໖ ເພັງ. ນັກບວດກໍ່ດີຫຼືຄະລືຫັດກໍ່ດີ ໄດ້ສ້າງທໍາມະຣັດຕະນະສູນີ້ດ້ວຍຕົນເອງກໍ່ດີ ຫຼື ຈ້າງຜູ້ອື່ນຂຽນໃຫ້ກໍ່ດີ, ໄດ້ນ້ອມນໍາມານົບໄຫວ້ສັກກາລະບູຊາກໍ່ດີ ແລະຖວາຍໃຫ້ເປັນທານແກ່ພະສາສະໜາກໍ່ດີ ກໍ່ຈະໄດ້ຮັບຜະລະອານິສົງເປັນອະເນກປະການ. ແມ່ນວ່າ ບຸກຄົນເຫຼົ່ານັ້ນ ຈັກປາດຖະໜາເອົາໂພທິຍານ ໓ ປະການ ຄື ສໍາມາສໍາໂພທິຍານ, ປັດເຈກະໂພທິຍານ ຫຼືອໍລະຫັນຕາສາວະກະຍານ ກໍ່ຈັກສໍາເລັດບໍລະບວນຊູ່ອັນ. ແມ່ນວ່າຈັກປາດຖະໜາໃຫ້ໄດ້ສະເຫວີຍຍັງໂລກິຍະສົມບັດໃນເມືອງຄົນແລະເມືອງຟ້າ ກໍ່ຈັກສໍາເລັດບໍລະບວນຊູ່ອັນແລ. ຄໍາລົງທ້າຍ: ລານທີ ໒໖ ໜ້າ ໑: ສັງກາດ ໑໒໕໗ ຕົວ ປີຮັບມົດ ເດືອນ ໕ ຂຶ້ນ ຄໍ່າ ໑ ວັນ ໑ ຣິດຈະນາແລ້ວຍາມທ່ຽງວັນ ມູນລະສັດທາໝາຍມີ ນາງເພັຍສີ ນໍລະຄຸດເປັນເຄົ້າເປັນເຫງົ້າກວ່າມູນລະສັດທາທັງບຸດຕະນັດຕາພັນທຸວົງສາມີໃຈໃສສັດທາເປັນອັນຍິ່ງ ຈິ່ງໄດ້ສ້າງຍັງ ທໍາມະຣັດຕະນະສູດ ໄວ້ກັບສາສະໜາພະພຸດທະເຈົ້າ ຕາບຕໍ່ເທົ້າ ໕໐໐໐ ວັດສາ ນິບພານະ ປັດຈະໂຍ ໂຫຕຸ ໂນ ຂໍໃຫ້ອານິສົງສ່ວນບຸນອັນນີ້ໄປຄໍ້າຊູຜົວຜູ້ຂ້າຊື່ທິດຄ່ອງອັນຈຸດຕິຕາຍໄປສູ່ບໍຣະໂລກພາຍໜ້າຕົກທີ່ຮ້າຍໃຫ້ຢ້າຍໃສ່ທີ່ດີຕົກທີ່ດີແລ້ວໃຫ້ຕື່ມແຖມຍິ່ງກວ່າເກົ່າຮ້ອຍເທົ່າພັນທີກໍ່ຂ້າເທີ້ນ.

The content tells about worshiping Rattana Sutta, such as worshiping by rice grains, flowers, incense, incense sticks and other 15 objects together and worshiping Rattana Sutta in the full moon day of the sixth month. Any ordained persons or lay persons who create this Dharma Rattana Sutta by themselves or hire other to write it for, or worship or pay respect to this Dhamma, or donate the manuscript of this Dhamma to monks, will receive much results of the merit. Even though, they wish to get the three kinds of bodhiñāna including Sammasambodhi-ñāna, paccekabodhi-ñāna and arahantabodhi-ñāna, their wish will be fulfilled. Even though, they wish to have lokiyasampatti (mundane property) in the human world or heavenly world, their wish will be fulfilled. Colophon: Folio 26 on the recto side: Sangkat (CS) 1257, a hap mot year, on the first day of the waxing moon of the fifth lunar month, the first day of the week (Sunday), the writing of this manuscript was accomplished at the time of thaing van (between 10.30–12.00 o’clock). The initiator, Nang Phia Si Nòrakhut together with all her children, grandchildren and relatives had the most ardent religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript entitled Thamma Rattanasut (Ratana Sutta), to support the Teachings of the Buddha to last until the end of 5000 years. Nibbāna paccayo hotu (May this be a condition to reach Nirvanaa). May the results of this merit support my husband named Thit Khòng who already died to the other world. If he is in a suffering place, may he be moved to a good place. If he is already in a good place, may he be better than ever, with one hundred and one thousand times, definitely.

Extent: 1 palm-leaf manuscript containing 27 leaves.

Size and dimensions of original material: Hight 4.3 cm, width 55.6 cm, depth 1 cm.

Condition of original material: Fragile.

Alternative calendar and date: Lao, CS 1257, a hap mot year

Scribe(s): Unidentified.

Original institution reference: Manuscript Cabinet No.01.