Mixed bundle

Multiple-text palm-leaf manuscript. Different type Plain wooden covers on bothside. Broken leaves. Incomplete text.

Extent: 1 Palm leaf manuscript bundle.

Condition of original material: Fair condition. Misplaced folio.

Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number.

MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/KP37.

This manuscript contains the following 6 texts.

EAP1320/1/45/1: Unidentified - Images 3-10

Clear text. Broken leves. Different writing style scene in this document. Only four leafs are inscribed rest of theme were all missing. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 4 leafs. Rest of the pages were missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/KP37.1.

EAP1320/1/45/2: രഘുവംശ [rghauvaṃśa] - Images 11-104

Broken leafs. Incomplete manuscripts. In this manuscript dealing with the subject of the king of the Raghu dynasty. First 14 leafs has no page number. Missing. Incomplete manuscripts. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 47 leafs. Some pages were missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/KP37.2.

EAP1320/1/45/3: ബീജമന്ത്ര [bījamantra] - Images 105-172

Broken leave. bījamantra are the sounds endowed with great spiritual powers. bījamantra are several mantra compositions. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 34 leafs. Some pages were missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/KP37.3.

EAP1320/1/45/4: Unidentified - Images 173-176

Broken leafs. Only two leafs found . Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 2 leafs. Rest of the pages were missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/KP37.4.

EAP1320/1/45/5: ലക്ഷ്യ ലക്ഷ്യണ ശ്ലോകം [lakṣaya lakśaṇa śaḷaōkaṃ] - Images 177-180

Broken leafs. Incomplete manuscripts. One broken blank leaf on the first page. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 2 leafs. Rest of the pages where missing. Condition of original material: Fair condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/KP37.5.

EAP1320/1/45/6: Unidentified Mantra - Images 181-190

broken leafs. Mantra. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript contain 5 leafs. Rest of the pages where missing. Condition of original material: poor condition. Arrangement: Material arranged by its page number. MRPC reference: EAP1320MRPC/KP37.6.