Badaga family collection of the native tribe. One of the old photograph stored safely in the wooden cabinet

Badaga family collection of the native tribe. This collection contains 1 image. A Black and white group photo in which five persons are sitting on the chair, the person sitting on the chair is wearing coat suite tie and shoes with spectacles, to his left two women are sitting are wearing saree and well groomed hair and both of them are wearing bangles. To the right of the person sitting in the center a perons wearing pants and shirt and to his right a boy sitting with half trouser. On the floor three children are sitting by crossed legs in the center a boy and both the side with two girl children. The group photo was taken infront of building where we can find a door and few flower plts. Extent: This Contain 1 photograph. Condition of original material: Deteriorated and discolored. Country of Origin: India. Related regions: Tamil Nadu. Related towns/cities: Kotagiri, The Nilgiris.