The title of the Album is "Photos of various Temples of India- Rao Bahadur C.M. Ramachandra chettiar of Coimbatore"

Photo album containing 52 folios of various Temples of India, landscape and monuments. Extent: Album 1 containing 52 folios. Condition of original material: Endangered condition. The folios are separated from the album, Deterioration of the album caused by insects. Several Photographs are faded due to poor maintanence of the Photo Album. The Bounded album is completely come into two pieces. Author(s)/Creator(s): C.M. Ramachandra Chettiar– Kovai Kizhar (1888 -1969). Country of Origin: India. Related regions: Tamil Nadu; Karnataka; Maharashtra; Orissa; Uttar Pradesh; Andhra Pradesh; Delhi; Calcutta; Ceylon.