Libro 006

The protocol present the closed will of Gregoria Cavarcas, the sale that Juan de Dios Martinez Guerra made in favor of Pablo Gari of a low house in Santo Toribio neighborhood for 400 pesos, mortgage obligations of a plot made by Juana Bolaño in favor of Juan Andres Fortich for 700 pesos, the sale that Manuela Brieva made in favor of Jose Maria Portillo of nine caballerias of land, named Ceballos and tree named San Pedro Martir for 2076 pesos.

Extent: 72 numbered pages in bad condition with a pink cover.

Size and dimensions of original material: 30 cm long, 23 cm wide, 5 cm deep.

Condition of original material: most of the folios are in bad condition, the pages are loose and destroyed, it cannot be handled.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Andres Estarita.

Country of Origin: Republica de Nueva Granada.

Related countries: Colombia.