Libro 012

The book presents public deeds of purchase and sale, special powers, mortgage bonds, among the content we highlight: General power of attorney to settle lawsuits granted by José María Goytia and Pedro Goytia to José María Rivero, a resident of Panama. Contract for works in the Canal del Dique between Macias e Hijos and the Board of Directors that administers said Canal.

Extent: 204 Numbered folios without cover and is contained in a pink folder.

Size and dimensions of original material: 39 cm long, 23 cm wide, 9 cm deep.

Condition of original material: the protocol is illegible, it shows deterioration in most of its pages.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Domingo E. Espinoza.

Country of Origin: Republica de la Nueva Granada.

Related countries: Colombia.

Related towns/cities: San Estanislao; Chinú y Panama.