Boyden Plate Box 35: Boyden Observatory, telescopes (Set 1)

A collection of images of several of the original telescopes at Boyden Observatory, providing a valuable record of the early equipment. Of particular interest is an image of 3 steam wagons carting the 60-inch telescope parts to the site. The telescopes depicted are the 60-inch Rockefeller Reflector, the 13-inch Boyden Refractor, the 1.5-inch Cook Camera, the 10-inch Metcalf Triplet, the 24-inch Bruce Telescope, the 3-inch Ross-Fecker Camera, and the enclosures for the 8-inch Bache Doublet and Herbst (Pulkovo) Transit. A series of images document the construction of the 60-inch enclosure. Two images show Boyden Observatory as it was at Arequipa in Peru, and 2 images show aerial views of the South African site (c 1931). A faded pencilled note on the plate box reads: "Aug ‘84 Old Instruments photograph / Harvard [Kopje] Instz". n/a. Extent: 38 glass plates. Size and dimensions of original material: Height 8.2cm, width 10.7cm, thickness 0.3cm. Condition of original material: Stable. Author(s)/Creator(s): English. Scribe(s): Latin. Publisher(s): Left-to-Right. Editor(s): Unrestricted. Volume number: N/a. Original institution reference: PLB35.