Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers. Gilded leaves with vermilion band. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Buddhism, Manual, Remove, Responsa, Law and Legal affairs. This manuscript contains the following 6 texts: EAP1150/1/28/1: Ma Kraññḥ Kyap cāḥ [Ma kraññʺ kyamʺ cāʺ] Description: End of text recto and verso of leaf ji written in verse. Extent: ka-jī. EAP1150/1/28/2: Pucchāvisajjanā Description: End leaves v/ṭhe and r/ṭhai written in verse. Extent: ju-ṭhai. EAP1150/1/28/3: Atula phrat thuṃḥ [Atula phratʻ thuṃʺ] Description: Mahā atulayasadhammarājaguru charā tau, Atula phrat thuṃḥ. A collection of precedents in monastic law; phrat thuṃ: = judicial ruling. Extent: ṭho–ti. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/28/4: Upali phrat thuṃḥ [Upali phratʻ thuṃʺ] Description: Upali, Rhaṅ, Upali phrat thuṃḥ. Extent: ti–dhu. Additional date information: Copied 1860 EAP1150/1/28/5: Maṅḥ Rai Siṅghasū lhyok thuṃḥ [Maṅʻʺ Rai Siṅghasū lhyokʻ thuṃʺ] Description: Questions raised by Maṅ Rai Singhasū (leaf paṃ) and answers by Rhaṅ Ññāṇalaṅkāramaharājaguru (leaf dhe). Extent: dhū-paṃ. Author(s)/Creator(s): Rhaṅ Ññāṇalaṅkāramaharājaguru. EAP1150/1/28/6: Lhyok thuṃ [Lhyokʻ thuṃ] Description: Narrative. Questions occassionally raised by scholars or ministers and answered by learned monks. Here the questions were raised by Maṅḥ Lakvainōrathā and answered by Rhaṅ Nāṇalaṅkāramahārājaguru (leaves pāḥ + rū). Questions and answers completed in CS. 1125. Copy date 1122 is the scribe’s error as all other texts in this ms. shows 1222. Extent: pāḥ-rū.