Mixed Bundle

Plain teak covers with gilding and vermilion band on edges. Gilded leaves. Extent: 1 Palm Leaf Manuscript. Condition of original material: Good condition. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries Keywords: Buddhism, Handbook: Abhidhamma, Remove, Languages and Grammar. This manuscript contains the following 6 texts: EAP1150/1/148/1: Unidentified Description: The text is similar to Piṭakat samuiṅḥ (about authors and their works) by Sīrisaddhammaghosamahārājaguru Charā tau residing at Bhuṃ Kyau Tu Lhvat monastery in CS. 123 khu (3 digits only; assumes = 1230?). Extent: go-ghū; ghe-ghau. Custodial history: (o) Paññāsāra, Ūḥ. Author(s)/Creator(s): Sīrisaddhammaghosamahārājaguru. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/148/2: [kaccāyana?] Sandhi pāṭh to uṇ hāt- [[kaccāyana?] Sandhi pāṭhʻ to uṇhātʻ-] Description: Philology. Extent: ghaṃ-jhāḥ. Condition of original material: Many notes scribbled in pencil. Custodial history: (o) Paññāsāra, Ūḥ. EAP1150/1/148/3: Ṭīkā kyau pāṭh [Ṭīkā kyoʻ pāṭhʻ] Description: Handbook: Abhidhamma. Extent: ṭū-tau. Custodial history: Donors Ūḥ Dī Pvāḥ and wife of Toṅ Rva (village); (o) Paññāsāra, Ūḥ. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/148/4: Sut caññ vibhat svay [Sutʻ caññʻ vibhatʻ svayʻ] Description: Philology. Extent: taṃ-thū. Custodial history: (o) Paññāsāra, Ūḥ. EAP1150/1/148/5: [kaccāyana?] Taddhit pud chac to kit- [[kaccāyana?] Taddhitʻ pudʻ chacʻ toʻ kitʻ-] Description: Philology. Extent: the-dai. Custodial history: (o) Paññāsāra, Ūḥ. Additional date information: Copied c. 18–19th centuries EAP1150/1/148/6: Saṅkhepavaṇṇanā pāṭh [Saṅkhepavaṇṇanā pāṭhʻ] Description: Handbook: Abhidhamma. Extent: do-pi. Custodial history: (o) Paññāsāra, Ūḥ.