Libro de bautismos de este pueblo de Coatlinchan

Registers of mixed baptisms of the town of San Miguel Coatlinchan from May 16, 1684 to March 17, 1722. Page 74-79 of old foliation is missing. Registros de bautizos mixtos del pueblo de San Miguel Coatlinchan del 16 de mayo de 1684 al 17 de marzo de 1722. Falta foja 74-79 de antigua foliación. Extent: 1 volume containing 133 folios. Condition of original material: Regular state of conservation because there are fungi. Arrangement: The Collection Convent Franciscan and Parish of San Miguel Coatlinchan is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Country of origin: Colonial Mexico. Related towns/cities: Coatlinchan.