Marriage proceedings for María Concepción to be handed over for marriage to Santiago, 1722. Proceedings followed by the confraternity of the blessed sisters regarding the implication of a certain prin...

Marriage proceedings for María Concepción to be handed over for marriage to Santiago, 1722. Proceedings followed by the confraternity of the blessed sisters regarding the implication of a certain principal. Complaint against the ordinary mayor for ill-treatment of Agustín Bartolo's wife. 1726. Causa matrimonial para que se entregue a María Concepción para contraer matrimonio con Santiago. Autos que sigue la cofradía de las benditas hermanas sobre la implicación de cierto principal. Querella contra el alcalde ordinario por malos tratos a la mujer de Agustín Bartolo. 1726. Extent: 32 fs. Arrangement: The Collection Convent Franciscan and Parish of San Luis Huexotla is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Country of origin: Colonial Mexico. Related towns/cities: Texcoco.