Casamientos de cabecera

Registry of marriages of the head of the town of San Andrés Chiautla from May 9, 1764 to August 9, 1788. Missing pages 100 and 101. Skipped numbering 151, but has continuity. Foja 158 canceled and skips 159. Registro de casamientos de cabecera del pueblo de San Andrés Chiautla del 9 de mayo de 1764 al 9 de agosto de 1788. Falta foja 100 y 101. Se salta numeración 151, pero tiene continuidad. Foja 158 cancelada y se salta el 159. Extent: 1 volume containing 158 folios. Condition of original material: Regular state of conservation because there are fungi. Arrangement: The Collection Convent Franciscan and Parish of San Andrés Chiautla is organized sacramentally (baptisms, marriages and deaths) and chronologically. Country of origin: Colonial Mexico. Related towns/cities: Chiautla.