2nd Manuscript 'Creation of the Evangelical-Baptist Church in Lom, Mladenovo quarter (former village Golintsi)

The content of the document itself (translated in English), page 1: In May 1923 several Bulgarians and Gypsies assembled to establish Evangelical Church but in September 1923 the September uprising started and it was impossible for them to register the Church after its suppression. They have gathered at the Petar Punchev's home until 1927, when they registred it. The building of the Church was finished in 1928 when during its inauguration Filbrandt from Germany was presented. There were included at the Church (listed by names) seven Gypsy pastors, one deacon, four Bulgarian members (among which three were left and became Orthodox) and seventheen Gypsy members. The content of the document, translated in English, page 2: At the very beginning, the religious services were held at the Petar Punchev's home. There were misunderstandings among members who should be the pastor and because of this form 1932 onwards the Gypsies gathered separately from Bulgarians in their own church led by Georgi Stefanov. In 1943 Todor Erinin was mobilised in the 3rd Bdinski regiment and went in Serbia. During a military action he refused to participate because the houses of the people affected were fired and children were killed. During the same war, during holiday and in Saturday religious people were allowed to pray. The worst time for the Church was during the Zlatko Manchev's leadership who used the tithe to go at the village tavern and to drink. Nowadays we have 4 Evangelical churches and 1 form other 'sect'. The young pastors Nachko Petrov and Liuben Traikov are well prepared as pastors and have authority among the believers.

Extent: 2 pages of manuscript.

Condition of original material: Good quality of the pages.

Custodial history: The material was provided by L. Traikov, former pastor of EBC1. The document was originally wrote down by hand (unknown year) but in the 1990s was transcribed by a typewriter in order to be preserved. Most of the documents of the Gypsy Church were written by hand.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Evtimii Dimitrov Ĭolov.

Arrangement: The materials are arranged as found.