1st Collection of Evangelical songs

A collection of 80 Evangelical songs. It is in Bulgarian and Romany. Only part of the collection is preserved (pages 91-264). Many pages of the notebook are torn and lost. The composer is Todor Petrov Erinkin (conductor of the church choir) from the First Gypsy Baptist Church in Mladenovo, Lom. In the collection, one-and two-voices songs prevail. The choir is mixed, but women are preferentially singing. The melodic line of the song is simple.

Extent: 1 notebook of Evangelical songs containing 80 songs.

Condition of original material: Some of the pages have spots and are difficulty readable.

Custodial history: The collection of Evangelical songs presents the musical culture of the Gypsy Baptists.

Author(s)/Creator(s): T. Petrov.

Arrangement: The materials have been stored in a paper box. They were arranged as found.

This file contains the following 68 items.

  • EAP1145/9/1/1: Song 1: 'Roma, listen!', 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/2: Song 2: 'It was once'; Song 3: 'Open your hearts', Sep 1947
  • EAP1145/9/1/3: Song 4: 'Old time', 25 Jan 1949
  • EAP1145/9/1/4: Song 5: 'We come from Bethlehem'; Song 6: 'One child was born', Dec 1952
  • EAP1145/9/1/5: Song 7: 'Rejoice!'; Song 8: 'Jesus Christ's soldiers', 1947-1950
  • EAP1145/9/1/6: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/7: Song 9 (without title), 1947
  • EAP1145/9/1/8: Song 10: 'Jesus Christ is resurrected'; Song 11: 'He really resurrected', 1947-1952
  • EAP1145/9/1/9: Song 12: 'Jesus Christ's victory'; Song 13: 'Shame you, Satan', 1948-1952
  • EAP1145/9/1/10: Song 14: 'The Death' (of Jesus Christ); Song 15: 'Death, Hell, and Satan', 1938-23 Mar 1948
  • EAP1145/9/1/11: Song 16: 'We are soldiers'; Song 17: 'Rejoice, brothers', 25 Feb 1950-7 Apr 1952
  • EAP1145/9/1/12: Song 18:'Rejoice, you Heavens'; Song 19: 'Our dears, Salvation came', 1940s
  • EAP1145/9/1/13: Song 20: 'God is coming', 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/14: Song 21: 'Be ready!'; Song 22: 'The bridegroom is coming!', 1944-1950
  • EAP1145/9/1/15: Song 23: 'And what are you doing!' Song 24: 'The days are flying!', 1949-1952
  • EAP1145/9/1/16: Song 25: 'Be awake'; Song 26: 'Listen to us', 8 Mar 1948-30 Jul 1950
  • EAP1145/9/1/17: Song 26: 'Here I come', 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/18: Song 27: 'Dear Paradise Heaven'; Song 28: 'When did you come?', 12 Mar 1945
  • EAP1145/9/1/19: Song 29: 'The wonderful Heavens'; Song 30: 'Yes yes to!', 5 Mar 1945-4 Nov 1951
  • EAP1145/9/1/20: Song 31 (without title), 15 Feb 1956
  • EAP1145/9/1/21: Song 32: 'Dear Devla/God', 1940s
  • EAP1145/9/1/22: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/23: Song 33: 'Do not fear, a small herd'; Song 34: From the God's breasts [soul], 9 Mar 1947-17 Feb 1949
  • EAP1145/9/1/24: Song 34: 'God is my doctor'; Song 35: 'To Golgota', 1936-9 Feb 1942
  • EAP1145/9/1/25: Song 36: 'Christ's torments', 28 Mar 1950
  • EAP1145/9/1/26: Song 37: 'Stop wasting!' (your life), 8 Mar 1948
  • EAP1145/9/1/27: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/28: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/29: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/30: Song 38: 'Welcome' (guests) ; Song 39: 'Goodbye' (Funeral), 1933-13 May 1954
  • EAP1145/9/1/31: Song 40: 'Eternity'; Song 41 (without title), Mar 1952-Nov 1955
  • EAP1145/9/1/32: Song 42: 'He came for me' (Jesus Christ), 15 Oct 1952
  • EAP1145/9/1/33: Song 43: 'God speaks', 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/34: Song 44: 'I go to my teacher', 1939
  • EAP1145/9/1/35: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/36: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/37: Song 45 (the title is unreadable), 1948
  • EAP1145/9/1/38: Song 46: 'What will happen to me', 29 Nov 1947
  • EAP1145/9/1/39: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/40: Song 47: 'We are young', 27 Jan 1948
  • EAP1145/9/1/41: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/42: Song 48: 'Go ahead!'; Song 49: 'To work', 1930s
  • EAP1145/9/1/43: Song 49: 'Adieu', 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/44: Song 50: 'God is coming', 21 Oct 1957
  • EAP1145/9/1/45: Song 51: 'Wake up!'; Song 52: 'Oh, Roma', 1930s-14 Nov 1952
  • EAP1145/9/1/46: Song: 53: 'Various', 7 Feb 1948
  • EAP1145/9/1/47: Song 54: 'Gypsies'; Song 55: 'Two little eyes'; Song 56: 'The Garden of Jesus Christ', 1912-4 Dec 1950
  • EAP1145/9/1/48: Song 57: 'Tears of the Gypsy church'; Song 58: 'The Lord is a gardener', 1940s-14 Nov 1955
  • EAP1145/9/1/49: Blank page, 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/50: Song 58: 'Here, little nightingale'; Song 59: 'Little girl', 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/51: Song 60: 'We fighters'; Song 61: 'Listen to, Everyone', 1913-25 Jan 1949
  • EAP1145/9/1/52: Song 62: 'Sow seed'; Song 63: 'Ten sick years', 1948
  • EAP1145/9/1/53: Song 64: 'Do not be afraid!'; Song 65: 'We are young', 27 Jan 1948-17 Feb 1949
  • EAP1145/9/1/54: Song 66: 'Jesus Christ sacrifices for us', 1 Jun 1956
  • EAP1145/9/1/55: Song 67: 'The sufferings of Jesus Christ'; Song 68: 'We are passengers' [to the sky], 28 Mar 1950-1 Mar 1956
  • EAP1145/9/1/56: Song 69: 'God is coming', 15 Feb 1956
  • EAP1145/9/1/57: Song 70: 'Come to God', 17 Feb 1956
  • EAP1145/9/1/58: Song 71 (without title), 3 Mar 1956
  • EAP1145/9/1/59: Song 72: 'Go forward'; Song 73: 'I have joy', 13 Jan 1956
  • EAP1145/9/1/60: Song 73: 'During the dark days', 15 Dec 1956
  • EAP1145/9/1/61: Song 74: 'Hymn of victory'; Song 75: 'Lord help us', 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/62: Song 76: 'The Lord is coming'; Song 77: 'God is Great', 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/63: Song 78: 'Lost Soul', 1930s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/64: Song 79: 'Jesus Christ turns to his bride [i.e. Church]', 1940s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/65: Song 80: 'God speaks', 1940s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/66: Blank pages, 1940s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/67: Blank pages, 1940s-1950s
  • EAP1145/9/1/68: Table of content of Gypsy and Bulgarian Songs', 1930s-1950s.