Óbitos de Forros e Livres, 1856-1884

The volume records the burials of freed (forro/liberto) and free individuals registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora do Amparo de Maricá-RJ. Entries date from 22 May 1856 through 23 Nov 1884. There are no opening or closing charters. The volume commences on folio 2 and includes the burials of individuals abandoned in the Santa Casa; Portuguese individuals; and freed individuals with enslaved mothers. Some of the entries document the cause of death. African ethnonyms and "nations" mentioned: Angola, Cassange (Kasanze). Entries were signed by the following clergy: Sebastião de Azevedo (Azv.do) Araujo (Ar.o) e Gama, Coadjutor Joze Antonio de Sequeiros, and Coadjutor Francisco Leite d'Almeida (d'Alm.da) Magalhães . Physical characteristics: The volume is missing a cover; the first folios are torn, while the rest are in good condition and show slight signs of ink damage. Dimensions: 45cm x 30cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.