Batismos de Escravos, Forros e Livres, 1800-1816

The volume records baptisms of enslaved and free people registered in the Church of Nossa Senhora do Amparo de Maricá, Maricá-RJ. Entries date from 10 May 1800 to 29 Oct 1816. There are no opening or closing charters. There are records of manumissions at the baptismal font (alforrias de pia); of abandoned children (expostos); baptisms of children born to an enslaved father and freed (forro) mother; records of the donation of recently-baptized slaves; and records of slaves being freed. The entries also note the locations of the parents' baptisms. The volume notes that some of the records originated in Itaboraí and were given for transcription in the volume. There is a record of a parochial visit on 25 May 1803. The following clergy signed the entries: Coadjutor Antonio Valentino, Joze Ferreira dos Santos, and Vicar Vicente Ferreira. Physical characteristics: The volume does not have a cover and the folios have been damaged by insects. Dimensions: 32cm x 23cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.