Batismos de Escravos D, 1744-1800

This volume contains baptismal records of enslaved individuals registered in the Church of São João Batista (Baptista) of Icaraí (Carahy, Carii, Carahi), recorded as Carahy of "Banda Dalém" (the old name for the city of Niterói) and cover the period between 11 June 1744 and 21 January 1800. There are no opening or closing charters. The volume consists of 272 numbered folios. The entries were signed by the following priests: Vicar Antonio Francisco (?), Vicar Fernando Machado de Sousa, Father Gonçalo (?), Vicar Francisco Estevez de Araújo, Vicar Bento Jozé Caetano (?), Vicar José Roriz Ferreira, Vicar D. João Bento Barros de Souza, and João Gomes da Silva. The following African ethnonyms and "nations" appear: Cabo Verde, Angola, Guiné, Mina and Costa da Mina. There is a record of a pastoral visit by one Gavião (?) on 27 August 1747. The following regions are mentioned: Pendotiba, Baldeador, Itaipu, Engenhoca, São Domingos, Maruhy, and Engenho. Physical characteristics: The volume is comprised of 272 numbered manuscript pages, with the years annotated in pen. All of the folios have come loose from their original binding, in small sections. Some of the folios show signs of ink damage. Dimensions: 32cm X 22cm. Owner(s) of original material: Arquivo da Cúria Metropolitana de Niterói.