Фолклорул молдовенеск, районеле Григориополя и Тирасполь 1946

Lyric songs, carols, soldiers' songs, dirges, short stories, riddles, tales, couting for hide-and-seek, wordplays. Gathered in Doroţcaia, Butor villages, Grigoriopol district; Mălăieşti village, Tiraspol district. Part are recorded from informants in the original context of performance, part are recorded from informants not in the original context of performance.1.Poveste. 2. Poveste despre şioreşili şi spariet 3. Colindă, 4. Cântec recruţesc, 5. Colindă, 6. Frunzişoară d-un mogor, 7. Frunzişoară poală neagră, 8. Frunzişoară pelinişă, 9. Cântic, 10. Poveste Ivan Ţarevici, 11. Poveste despre fata moşneagului, 12-13. Boşet, 14. Frunzuliţă de mogor, 15. Ghicitori(2), 16-17. Cântec, 18. Frunzişoară d-en tâner, 19. Cântec, 20 Nunărări de-a mijatca(5), 21. poveste. Fosica, 22. Poveste despre pasărea năzdrăvană, 23. colindă, 24. Cimilituri, 26. Ghicitori(2), 27-30. Colindă, 31. Chiraleisa, 32. Vorba mutului, 33-34. Colindă, 35. Frunzişoară de pelin, 36.Poveste despre o femeie proastă, 37. Ghicitori)20, 38, Măzăreşti Făt-Frumos, 39-40. Colindă, 41-57. Cântec, 58. Nopate luminoasî. Custodial history: The archival material was gathered in august 1946 by folklorists Mocreac G. and Soloviv V. It was taken into custody by the Institute of Language and Literature of the Moldovan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences / MSSR Academy of Sciences and had the same custodial history as the entire collection. Extent and format of original material: 1 notebook of 110 files. Not typical format (21.5 cm x 30 cm). Owner(s) of original material: Institute of Language and Literature, nowadays Institute of Romanian Philology "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu". Author(s) of original material: Bogatâi Alistari Creations 1-2, Şutac Pavel 3, Malahov F. 4, Zandalov Ion 5, Popov Efrosinia 6, Barancuţă N. 7, Pelin G. 8, Pleşcan Elena 9, Bogatâi Alexei 10, Malahov F. 11, Bărcuţa M. 12-13, Şutac E. 14, Bărcuţa E. 16-17, Bogatâi Al. 18, Malahova Ecaterina 19, copii din Butor şi Doroţcaia 20, Polevoi A. 21, Bogatâi Al. 23-25, Josan F. 26-27, Bălan Gheorghe 28-29, Boryan Naum 30, Postolachi Andrei 31, Şutac Ion 32, Cojocari S. 33, Sitrin G. 34, Zaharov S. 35, Bălan C. 36, Carpov L. 37, Bogatâi Al. 38, Colesnicenco A. 39, Malahov F. 40, Şutac I. 41, Cojocari M. 42, Bărcuţă E. 43, Colesnicenco 44, Pleco A. 45, Barcuţă I. 46, Malahova Ev. 47, Bălan El. 48, Popescu N. 49-50, Barcuţa Natalia 51, Zandalova Il. 52, Bărcuţa N. 53-54, Bagul El. 55, Ciudin I. 56, Şutac Al. 57, Bărcuţa I. 58. Scribe of original material: Mocreac G., Soloviv V.