Експедиция фолклорикэ дин юние 1968 ын реж. Одеса

Lyric songs, rhythmic shouts, carols, New Year wishes, riddles, description of various customs. Gathered in Dolinscoe; Frecăţei; Plavni; Utconosovca villages; Odesa region. Creations: Cântece: 1-4;9-23;28;32;36-41;44-52;64-67, Strigături:42-43, Colind:5-6;24-25;33-34;53-57, Tradiţii:7-8; Ghicitori:29-31;59-63, Urat:35;58. Custodial history: The archival material was gathered in 1967 by Hâncu A; BăIeşu N. It was taken into custody by the Institute of Language and Literature of the Moldovan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences / MSSR Academy of Sciences and had the same custodial history as the entire collection. Extent and format of original material: 1 notebook of 135 files. Not typical format (29.5 cm x 21 cm). Owner(s) of original material: Institute of Language and Literature, nowadays Institute of Romanian Philology "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu". Author(s) of original material: Moga Eufrosinea Roşu Nicolaie Sali Elena Culea Ivan Casapu Stepan Stancu Dumitru Mârzac Ilie Recnistrenco Ivan Pălimaru Elena Mocanu Valentina Mocanu Gheorghe Perju Alexandru Gheţui Mihail; Ostea Alexandra Demigoz Ivan Codşa Ivan Tudorac Ivan Demigoz Elena Demigoz Andrei. Scribe of original material: Hâncu A; BăIeşu N.