Solutions to Problems

Transliterated title: Koleyaalu Jaararaŋo.

This collection contains five different texts. The first one consists of prayers designed to help people achieve social mobility. This text is a manual of special prayers and techniques for finding solutions to people's social problems, including love. It begins with a short introduction in Mandinka Ajami describing the usefullness of the document. The rest of the document is in Arabic with numerous magic squares and diagrams, Arabic prayers, and names of the Prophet and God. The second, third, and fourth texts are also designed to address people's preoccupations. The content in these three texts include: prayers, esoteric diagrams and letters written in Arabic with instructions on how to use them effectively written in Mandinka Ajami. There is a clear division of labor between Arabic and Ajami writing in these texts. The Arabic prayers, esoteric diagrams, and unmodified letters are treated as the potent text, while the Mandinka Ajami writings are used for explanatory purposes, (i.e. used to explain to Mandinka Ajami literates how to use the potent Arabic prayers, figures, and unmodified letters). The first four texts are written by the late Imam Keba Cisse and, the fifth text is a letter in Mandinka Ajami written on tracing paper by Batuma Cisse. Batuma Cisse, who was then living in Dakar with his family, wrote the letter to his brother Imam Keba Cisse, the father of the manuscript owner. In the letter, Batuma updates his brother on his life and that of his family in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. The manuscript was digitized in the home of the owner (Abdou Khadre Cisse) in the neighborhood of Kandialang in Ziguinchor, Senegal.

Extent and format of original material: 64 pages.

Physical characteristics: Unbound manuscript. On some of the pages there are ink stains, making some words difficult to read.

Owner(s) of original material: Abdou Khadre Cisse.

Author(s) of original material: Imam Keba Cisse; Batuma Cisse.

Additional script information: Mandinka Ajami.