Молитва Григория Богослова от дьявола, псевдоепиграф

The manuscript is a fragment of a collection of prayers. There is a prayer to Virgin and a prayer against devil, which is attributed to Gregory of Naziazinus. The end of the second prayer is lost. Such texts were well-known and used in domestic praying widely. The manuscript was written in the third quarter of the 19th century as its paper has a stamp dated by 1867-1868.

Рукопись представляет собой фрагмент сборника молитв. В нее входит молитва Пресвятой Богородице и молитва Иисусу Христу от дьявола, приписанная Григорию Богослову. Конец второй молитвы утрачен. Подобные тексты широко использовались в домашней молитве. Рукопись написана в третьей четверти 19 века на бумаге со штемпелем, датирующимся 1867-1868 годами.

Extent: 5 folios.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 17 cm, width 10,7 cm.

Condition of original material: The manuscript has not a cover and it was not restored. The folios are very dirty, they are torn. The edges of the sheets are frayed out.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Old believers in Ploes region of Archangelsk province in 1968.

Author(s)/Creator(s): Gregory the Nazianzinus, pseudepigrapha.

Publisher(s): Бубнов Н.Ю., Копанев А.И. Археографическая экспедиция Библиотеки АН СССР 1968 г. в Вологодскую и Архангельскую области. В: Сборник статей и материалов по книговедению. Выпуск 3. Ленинград, 1973. С. 453, № 58 (Bubnov N. Yu., Kopanev A.I. Arkheograficheskaja ekspeditsija Biblioteki AN SSSR 1968 g. v Vologodskuju i Arkhangelskuju oblasti. In: Sbornik statej i materialov po knigovedeniju. Vypusk 3. Leningrad, 1973. P. 453, No 58).

Keywords: Old Believers, Prayers, Rites and ceremonies.