Сборник страннических стихов

The miscellanea written by several hand-writtings consists of sacred poems (nearly 30), some of them are in fragments, some are copied twice. There are well-known texts (by the Iosaph tsarevich, "A bird" et al.) and poems written by stranniks, among which are poems written by some unknown Maria Ivanovna (on psalm " Near Babylon rivers..." et al.). The manuscript was brought from the village Okulovkskaīā, Kargopol region, Arkhangelsk district.

Сборник,написанный несколькими почерками, состоит из духовных стихов (около трех десятков), некоторые сохранились частично, некоторые переписаны дважды. Среди текстов есть известные стихи (Иоасафа царевича, "Птичка" и др.) и страннические, среди которых сочиненные Марией Ивановной (на псалом "На реках Вавилонских…" и др.). Рукопись происходит из деревни Окуловская Каргопольского района.

Extent: 1 volume with cardbourd binding containing 60 folios. There are some ornament in front of texts and on first letters.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 15,6 cm, width 10 cm; depth 1,4 cm.

Condition of original material: The binding is damaged: a cardbourd has some losts and tearings, only a part of a block is sewed, there are some spots and tearings on folios.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region region region in 1968.

Publisher(s): Бубнов Н.Ю., Копанев А.И. Археографическая экспедиция Библиотеки АН СССР 1968 г. в Вологодскую и Архангельскую области. В: Сборник статей и материалов по книговедению. Выпуск 3. Ленинград, 1973. С. 453, № 47 (Bubnov N.YU., Kopanev A.I. Arkheograficheskaya ekspeditsiya Biblioteki AN SSSR 1968 g. v Vologodskuyu i Arkhangel'skuyu oblasti. V: Sbornik statey i materialov po knigovedeniyu. Vypusk 3. Leningrad, 1973. S. 453, № 47).

Keywords: Literature, Old Believers, Poetry.