Келейное правило

It is a writing-pad with the texts of monk's prayers in cell only. Perhaps the first and the last folios were used as a cover. There are several names for praying about deceaseds on the last page, including the name of killed Natalia who died on the 24th of May (f. II).

Рукопись представляет собой тетрадь с текстами для келейных молитв. Вероятно, обложкой ей служили первый и последний листы. На последнем листе выписаны имена для заупокойного поминовения, в том числе убиенной Натальи, погибшей 24 мая (л. II).

Extent: 13 folios and 2 additional folios.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 15,7 cm, width 10 cm.

Condition of original material: Manuscript had not a cover originally. The binding was made during restoration. The folios are muddled up during restoration so the right consenquence of them are f. I, 1-10, 12, 11,13, II. One or more folios after f. 13 are lost.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Old believers in Kargopol district in 1968.

Publisher(s): Бубнов Н.Ю., Копанев А.И. Археографическая экспедиция Библиотеки АН СССР 1968 г. в Вологодскую и Архангельскую области. В: Сборник статей и материалов по книговедению. Выпуск 3. Ленинград, 1973. С. 452, № 23 (Bubnov N. Yu., Kopanev A.I. Arkheograficheskaja ekspeditsija Biblioteki AN SSSR 1968 g. v Vologodskuju i Arkhangelskuju oblasti. In: Sbornik statej i materialov po knigovedeniju. Vypusk 3. Leningrad, 1973. P. 452, No 23).

Keywords: Eastern Orthodox, Prayers, Rites and ceremonies.