Настенный лист

It is a printed wall sheet with the drawings of Saints which are helpful during illness. There are 4 icons of Virgin and 55 pictures of Saints with inscriptions that tell the name of Saint, the date of his memory and which illness he is helpful against. The wall sheet was printed in Moscow in the Old believers printing-house which belonged to G.K. Gorbunov. There are two notes on the back side of the sheet. The first one has the name only: Alexandra Danilovna, probably she was an owner of the wall sheet. The second note was made in 1968, when the wall sheet was taken by a librarian Nicolaj Bubnov from it's owner, an escapist Maria Ivanovna, lived in the village Okulovka of the Kargopol region. The wall sheet was inside the handwritten Irmologion Kargopol. 174.

Печатный настенный лист с изображениями святых, которым надо молиться об исцелении, содержит изображения 4-х икон Богоматери и 55 святых с подписями, включающими имена святых, даты памяти и указания на болезни, в которых они помогают. Настенный лист был отпечатан в старообрядческой типографии Г.К. Горбунова в Москве. На обороте листа находятся записи с именем Александры Даниловны, вероятно, владелицы листа. Там же находится запись Н.Ю. Бубнова, сделанная в 1968 г., о том, что лист является даром странницы Марии Ивановны, жившей в деревне Окуловка Каргопольского района. Лист был вложен в рукопись Каргопол. 174.

Extent: 1 folio.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 46,8 cm, width 35,5 cm.

Condition of original material: The sheet is twice folded up. The lines of folds are ripped; they were glued with pieces of paper to strengthen the folds. The sheet was never restored.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Old believers in Archangelsk district in 1967.

Editor(s): Old believer printer G.K. Gorbunov, Moscow.

Keywords: Art, Old Believers, Saints.