Сборник агиографический

The miscellanea was written in the middle of the 17th century. It includes mainly Lives of Russian Saints: the Life of St. Zosima and Savvatij Solovetzky, the Life of Alexander Oshevensky (Kargopolsky), the Life of Makarij Unzhensky, the Homilia on the Protection of the Virgin, the Legend about Petr and Fevronia, and the Life of St. Ekaterina. There are extracts from the Solovetzky Chronicle about St. Zosima and Savvatij and other miracles of these Saints, took place in the 17th cenutry, on f. 194v-195v. In the 17th century the manuscript belonged to a peasant of village Lisizinskaja of Pesnikov volost' (note on f. 1-17) and then to the church of the Nativity of Virgin of Krasnoljazhskoj volost' of Kargopol region (note on f. 196-211).

Сборник, написанный в середине 17 века, включает в себя жития русских святых, в том числе Зосимы и Савватия Соловецких, Александра Ошевенского (Каргопольского), Макария Унженского, Слово на Покров Богородицы, Житие мученицы Екатерины, Повесть о Петре и Февронии (без конца). На л. 194 об.-195 об. находятся выписки из Соловецкого летописца и приписаны чудеса 17 века соловецких святых. На л. 1-17 и 196-211 владельческие записи о принадлежности рукописи в 17 веке крестьянину деревни Лисицинской Песниковской волости, а также церкви Рождества Богородицы Красноляжской волости в Каргопольском уезде.

Extent: 464 folios and 8 restoration folios.

Size and dimensions of original material: Height 18,5 cm, width 14 cm, depth 6,5 cm.

Condition of original material: The manuscript was restored so it has a new binding. Its folios are glued with restoration paper. The inks on many folios are fading especially on f. 1r, 195v, 387v, 388r, 388v, 457v-458v, 462v, 464v.

Custodial history: The manuscript was collected during the archeographical expedition to the Kargopol region in 1980.

Keywords: Christianity, Eastern Orthodox, Literature, Lives.