Mantras for worshipping ancestors

The Mantras used in the rituals of Bani religion such as nayet tuh aia, nayet cuh galau, nayet manyum aia, mbeng ahar, huak lisei, nayet kaik sara, ayet dalam kajang rija. When pouring water for the ancestors, read nayet tuh aia; when burning the incense, read nayet cuh galau; when inviting the ancestors to drink water, read nayet manyum aia; when inviting the ancestors to eat cakes, read mbeng ahar; when inviting the ancestors to eat rice, read huak lisei. 42 pages. Cham manuscript, fabric cover; bound as a book with threads; written in Cham ink on Raglai paper; Akhar Thrah and Arabic script. Size: 15cm x 13.7cm. The condition of the manuscript is deteriorating.