
The text is a romantic narrative poem depicting the adventurous love story of Hazrat Yusuf and J[z]ulékhā, a woman of peerless beauty. The core story is described in the Qur'an as 'Āhsānūl Kachach'. The version here is an adaptation of the work Mohabbatnāmā written in Persian by Maulānā Jamir. Originally written by Sadék Āli, it was reproduced by Muhammād Hatem Saheb, perhaps with some revision.

The significance of the text lies in the fact that a theme borrowed from Persian tradition was thoroughly remodelled and rearranged in order to accommodate new as well as subtle regional, socio-cultural and aesthetic variations.

The original volume is printed and undated. It measures 80mm x 143mm. It is wrapped in brown paper. The title page is missing and the main text is written on pages 11-80. These pages are all that has been copied along with images of the front and back covers.