Collective letter of Greetings to Nji MAMA from his wives at the time they were in Koupara [c 1910-1920]

Leaves: 1; Pages: 2; Measurements: 16cm x 15.2cm; Dates ca. 1910-1920; Script: Akauku Nyiet and Akauku Mfemfe; Condition: Good; Comments: This document is of interest for several reasons. First, it is evidence of the use of the Bamum script by women, which has been documented elsewhere, yet the Bamum script has always been primarily a male prerogative so is of interest nonetheless. Secondly, the Akauku Mfemfe here (the last script variant) is not a commentary by Nji MAMA but rather part of the communication itself, showing (as evidenced in other letters) that both script variants were used concurrently, probably in the period running from 1910-1920.