A catalogued digital archive for the inheritance proceedings and notary records from the Archivo Histórico de Antioquia (1606-1750) (EAP1531)

Aims and objectives

This project will digitise inheritance proceedings (Mortuorias) and notary records (Escribanos) from 1606 to 1750, from the Archivo Histórico de Antioquia (AHA) in Medellín, Colombia, allowing for the study of the slave trade, slavery, and African and European genealogies in Antioquia. Inheritance proceedings (1606 onwards) include inventories of captives containing names, ages, working conditions, skills, marriages, offspring, diseases, and provide valuable insight intso enslaved life. Notarial records (1675 onwards) include dowries, wills, creation of chaplaincies, mortgages, deeds of land sales, and deeds of sale of enslaved people, which detail their sex, markings, and provenance, and who bought and sold them.